Thursday, January 22, 2009

Notes from the Inauguration

First of all, the inauguration of President Barack H. Obama was an inspiration. When I was a child, I was taught to be proud to be an American. I felt a sense of blind patriotism every time I saw the flag.

As I grew older, especially once I began travelling overseas, it became more difficult to turn a blind eye to the impact our culture has around the world. So, Tuesday morning, when I looked at the mall in Washington and saw almost two millions American flags, waving in joy and celebration as our new president empowered and implored us to "be the change," I couldn't stop the tears.

It was as if the patriotism of my childhood returned to me, this time with eyes wide open. The monuments of Washington, D.C. are majestic and beautiful, but nothing in that landscape could rival the majesty and beauty of millions of Americans watching from around the world, hearts filled with hope, ready to step up and make America the force for good we are destined to be.

As President Obama extended a welcome to our brothers and sisters in foreign countries large and small, it felt like a new era had begun. Never have I been so proud to be an American as I am today.

Yesterday, I caught some of the "post-inauguration" commentary on the news. The most common observation I heard from those who were there was that the feeling of joy was overwhelming.

I thought, "Isn't it interesting, in a speech overflowing with the challenges we face and the need to step it up, that people left with smiles on their faces?"

Maybe it's because, for the first time in a long time, we feel a common sense of purpose. Despite all the material abundance we enjoy as a society, we're awakening to the true essence of prosperity... to have enough so that we may give in service to another.

A new era is dawning in the United States and in the world. We stand as witnesses and as participants in the greatest transformation the planet has ever known. I feel blessed to be here now to take part in the awakening.

God bless America. And God bless us all...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The White Stone Ceremony - Unity Church of Wimberley

It's my favorite ritual of the year: The White Stone Ceremony. I led the process last Sunday at Unity Church of Wimberley, and they generously provided me with the audio to share. Enjoy!

"Let anyone who has an ear listen to waht the Spirit is saying... To everyone who conquers... I will give a white stone, and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it." - Revelations 2:17

Click to Play
The White Stone Ceremony is an opportunity to identify a new spiritual identity for the first year. This talk by Mindy Audlin, founder of The What If Up Club, was delivered at Unity Church of Wimberley the first Sunday of 2009. To participate, find a white stone (large enough to write a word on, but small enough to hold in your hand) and a Sharpie or other marker. Find a quiet place and listen in. The entire message is 28 minutes long.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Best of 2008

What a year. Hurricane Ike, Hillary Clinton, the surge in Iraq, the Olympics in China, Gas Prices, Foreclosures, Palin, McCain, Financial Meltdown and our soon-to-be President Obama. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Quite a feat for a mere 365 days.

When I watch the "year in review" on the news, it's easy to think "two-thousand-GREAT" might have missed the mark a bit. But when I see the year through the lens of my own experience, a different picture emerges. Here are a few of my favorite things from 2008:

5. Travel and exploration. This year brought me to Costa Rica for the Alliance for a New Humanity Conference (including shaking hands with Oscar Arias Sanchez, the president of Costa Rica), San Francisco for Brendon Burchard's Partnership Summit (awesome experience), Palm Springs for the Association for Global New Thought conference (Michael Beckwith and Barbara Marx Hubbard keynoting - double WOW), multiple trips to Unity Village (including a live interview with Eckhart Tolle) plus some rejuvenating family time in the Colorado Rockies (see photo).

4. The growth of Unity.FM. 2008 was our first full year of broadcasting, leaving us now with about 50,000 listeners per month from more than 60 countries. Highlights of the year included my trip to Costa Rica, lunch with Deepak Chopra, then the production of Unity's fall series on Jesus and the Awakening to God Consciousness with Deepak and Wendy Craig-Purcell... Watch for it on PBS this spring!

3. The birth of The What If Up Club. I began 2008 with a morning meditative walk, asking "God, what is it that is mine to do?" The answer would not go away. It was time to write the book. Now, almost a year later, the book is almost complete. And the journey of its evolution has created a community that spans the globe... Are you in the Club?
(Pictured - What If Uppers gathered at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin, Texas)

2. The ultimate birthday celebration. The weekend of my 39th b-day, my mother came to town to babysit so we could enjoy a few nights out on the town! Here we are with Joe Vitale and his sweetie Nerissa in the glow of a Blue Rock Christmas, featuring David Wilcox, Billy Crocket, and my beloved cousin Beth Wood. To top it off, Joe drove us to the show in his new Rolls-Royce Phantom. Such delight!

***1. Another year of watching my daughter learn and grow. There is nothing sweeter to me than time with my husband and daughter. Our focus this year was "balance," and 2008 brought us together in a wonderful way. Highlights include this year's rousing toddler version of "Jingle Bells." Enjoy!
I give thanks for such extraordinary blessings... Most of all, for all the wonderful people I have met following the path day by day. THANK YOU for being a part of my world. '08 was great, but 2009 is our year to SHINE!

Wishing you a happy and joy-filled new year...


P.S. It's just days away... The ULTIMATE way to ring in the new year:
Join me, along with expert speakers Joe Vitale, Will Bowen, Joe Sugarman, and more for the Attract Wealth Seminar. January 9-11. Sign up today to make sure you can get in!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Smile from the Universe

I've never seen anything like it.

Shawn (my husband) and I were driving back home after spending Thanksgiving with family. It was a crystal clear night in the hill country, and we marvelled at the beauty of the sunset as we drove the backroads between Fort Worth and Wimberley.

There were two stars on the horizon. And a fingernail moon. As night fell, we noticed something amazing. The stars and the moon drifted into a celestial smile. The two stars twinkling as eyes, and the moon grinning beneath.

"Honey, look!" I said. "The Universe is smiling at us!"

And indeed it is. It always is. It's smiling at every single one of us.

Did you see it??


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Settling In for the Holidays...

This is my favorite time of the year. The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's seems like an accelerated journey in giving thanks, receiving abundantly, and starting anew. This year, I'm feeling the call to snuggle in, spend time with friends and family, and focus on the completion of the What If Up book.

That brings lots of changes for me, including the decision to send out my newsletter monthly instead of weekly until the book is complete. We also have some What If Uppers stepping in to lead our morning Wake Up calls while I take this brief hiatus in December.

Christmas can be a challenging time for people. It can bring economic stress, over-commitment, and often depression as we remember those who will not be with us this holiday season. But what if you could make this season the most meaningful Christmas ever?

What if we took on the holidays with the spirit of Thanksgiving lingering in our hearts? What if we decided not to keep score in the gift exchange arena, and instead just enjoyed the giving and receiving of love that inevitably happens this time of year?

What if it didn't take a snow day for us to hunker down and nurture ourselves for an afternoon?

What if you included ourselves on our Christmas list and gave ourselves the gift of balance and peace and compassion?

Regardless of your faith or your holiday traditions, what if we truly made this season a time of peace and joy?

I'll be chatting taking a break from the newsletter for a few weeks, but will be checking with you frequently online. Share your holiday challenges and triumphs and let's ring in the new year refreshed and recharged. The possibilities are unlimited.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Be In the Book!

Hi friends,

I'm cranking out the last half of the What If Up book and I need your help!

The two chapters I am working on right now involve using the "What If Up" concept individually and as a group.

What are some ways YOU have been using "What If Up"? Please be specific... If I use your story in the book, I'll send you an autographed first edition copy when it's complete!

Examples of Personal Use:
How have you used "What If Up" to change your perspective on a complaint?
How have you used "What If Up" to respond to "bad news"?
How have you used "What If Up" to inspire new projects?
How have you used it to improve your health? Relationships? Career? Finances? Other???
Any other ideas for how you can use "What If Up" in your personal life?

Examples of Group use:
How has the "What If Up" group process impacted your life?
What specific examples can you share about changes in your life that have resulted from a "What If Up" group interaction?

Thank you for your help! I am cutting back on all my live events for the next month to really focus on the book. That means I'll be online more and more looking for inspiring examples and sharing ways you can contribute...

What if we had a huge book release party with all of you who share stories that get used in the book? Looking forward to hearing from you!

(Note: please contact me through The What If UP Club at

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Circle Expands...

This was a big weekend for The What If Up Club... As part of the Dallas Peace Project, we introduced the What If Up concept to Dallas this week, culminating in our first ever group leader certification. Dallas, you are in good hands! What an amazing team we are attracting!

At the same time, miracles are happening in San Francisco. I received a call during the training from What If Up veteran Melissa Wells asking for a review of "the rules" so she could lead some What If Up processes at the HUB event she was attending.

The seeds are being planted around the world. Our online community is close to topping 300 members, with representatives from 24 different countries.

The time is right. The players are convening. The message is evolving. And the circle of love, hope, and vision continues to expand.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I am clearly not the only one. Join us and let's create a world of peace and abundance for all of humanity. What if?